What is a URL?
Most human interaction with the Internet is accomplished with a web browser and a uniform resource locator (URL) such as '/solutions/solutions.main.html'. Let us consider the different parts of this URL:
- 'http://' is the protocol. It tells the browser to use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http), the underlying protocol of all World Wide Web interaction.
- 'vicomsoft.com' is the domain name. This is a registered name that belongs to Vicomsoft. They can use it to identify specific machines on their network.
- 'www' is the host name. It tells the browser to go to the specific server known as 'www' at the domain known as 'vicomsoft.com'.
- 'solutions' is a directory on the host computer. It is just like one of the folders on your computer's desktop.
- 'solutions.main.html' is the actual resource. In this case it is a page of html text called 'solutions.main.html' inside a directory called 'solutions' on the host computer 'www' at the domain 'vicomsoft.com'.
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