Cache Library
The Offline Cache Library allows you to View your most frequently visited web sites while not connected to the Internet. The Web Caching Server stores copies of web pages locally, and the CacheLibrary allows you to retrieve them whether your Internet connection is open or not.
Off-line Cache Library Retrieval
Browsing and retrieval of cached content
The Vicomsoft WebCache module has an off-line mode which allows browsing of cached content without requiring online connection to the Internet. Web pages, images and movies may be retrieved and viewed with any browser, effectively creating an in-house content library. In a dial-up environment, cached content may be accessed without opening a connection. Because only local bandwidth is used, concurrent requests for the same content experience no performance degradation when compared with accessing the same content across the Internet.
Friendly Names
Greater ease of browsing cached content.
The Off-line Cache Library allows you to view, select and browse the contents of the web caching server even when not connected to the Internet. This function has now been enhanced. Not all web sites have meaningful names. Further, much of the content that is delivered to your web browser through the web cache comes from secondary servers with no domain names, only IP addresses such as When you are looking for something in the catalog, cryptic names or numerical addresses are not much help. Now you can attribute a user-friendly name to any host in the Cache Library, making content much easier to retrieve.
Off-line Cache Library Index
Catalog of cached content
A catalog of all cached content including web pages, images and movies may be viewed with any browser. This is of particular benefit to educators who wish to focus the attention of students on selected content. Web content is organized according to the originating site. User-friendly icons indicate the nature of the content. Icons change as content expires indicating that the content is still cached and available in off-line mode but will be updated if requested while in online mode.
Catalog display filtering and pagination
Much more flexible display and retrieval of cached content.
The catalog now allows you to filter the display based on host name, file size and locked attribute. When the Off-line Cache Library has a large number of objects in it, this feature allows you to limit the number of entries you see. It is also ideal for cache maintenance. If your cache is getting full and you want to see only large items, or only locked items you may do so. Similarly, you could just display sites with names starting with the letter 'a', or ending with .org. The number of hosts listed per page can be adjusted by the user to suite their own preferences.
Off-line Cache Library Administration
Management and control of cached content
Large or infrequently updated items such as movies or reference works may be permanently or temporarily saved as reference sources. The administrator can 'protect' cached content preventing deletion during automatic housekeeping tasks. Large items may be downloaded and cached outside peak periods, optimizing bandwidth use and freeing resources when they are most needed.
Please read our recommendations on respect for and compliance with third party copyright while using the Vicomsoft WebCache.
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